Office Drama: Jealous Girlfriend Slapped in Unbelievable Workplace Clash! Office Drama: Jealous Girlfriend Slapped in Unbelievable Workplace Clash! Deep in the bowels of the office tower, hidden behin...
Dear Abena, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. However, I am compelled to write to you, for I am in a desperate situation, and there's no one else I can turn to. It's been s...
Dear Abena I am writing to you with a heavy heart, seeking your guidance in a dire situation. My stepson, a talented deejay, has committed a horrific act in Kingston ghetto. The victim, his own brothe...
Dear Abena: Stepson's Desire, Hospital Hookup & Wicked Words! Dear Abena, Imagine my shock when my nurse stepson revealed his desires to me, something that I had never anticipated nor prepared for! Hi...


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