- Ayrıntılar
- Dwillo By
- Kategori: Advice column
- Görüntüleme: 132
Dear Abena,
I Am Grieving Father from Far Away Kingston...
Dear girl, mi name Inspector Stubbs of Kingston, Jamaica. Yes, mon I am old man 60 years and a Jamaican patriarch, raise up five good sons.
My youngest though, is causing me nuff worry. I have one 25 year old son who decide me ketch a beat backshot on mi 40 year adulteress girlfriend.
This is real troubled man! me owna youth? that make me want to run from Jamaican and live in the island of Britain
Mi heart break you know! My woman, me never look at her one daughter. This crassis lady, mi so vex that I would like to give both a dem back a shot seh yah know, eeh Abena?
Dear Abena, mon, you cyaan come a goan Kingston, dem a need your help down here, yah eeh.
Mi big question now is: Yow you give me advice? Should I dole out a good bludgeoning to show dem wah gorn? A or should wait until them wicked children come a Jamaica wi next month for big family celebration?
Hope to hear from u soon. Please reply Abena.
Tanks in advance. Gawd bless yaaaa!
- Ayrıntılar
- Dwillo By
- Kategori: Advice column
- Görüntüleme: 133
Abena's Advice: Dump Cheating Girlfriend - Letter & Response
Abena's Advice: Dump Cheating Girlfriend - Letter & Response
Dear Abena,
I am in a terrible situation and I don't know what to do. My girlfriend has been cheating on me for the past few months, and I can't seem to get over it. I love her so much, but I can't stand the thought of her being with someone else. I've tried to talk to her about it, but she just denies everything and says I'm imagining things. I don't know what to do, Abena. Should I dump her?
A Heartbroken Lover
Abena's Response
Dear Heartbroken Lover,
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. It's never easy to deal with a cheating partner, and it's natural to feel hurt and betrayed. However, I believe that you should consider dumping her. Here's why:
- Trust is the foundation of any relationship. If she's cheating on you, it means she's broken that trust, and it's unlikely that she'll ever regain it.
- Cheating is a sign of disrespect and a lack of commitment. If she's willing to cheat on you, she's not valuing your relationship or your feelings.
- You deserve better. You deserve a partner who is loyal, honest, and committed to you. If she's not that person, it's time to move on.
I understand that it's hard to let go of someone you love, but sometimes it's the best thing you can do for yourself. Remember, you deserve happiness and love, and you'll find it when you let go of the past and move forward.
Take care,

- Ayrıntılar
- mark miller By
- Kategori: Advice column
- Görüntüleme: 130
I am 40 years old and I have four children. My boyfriend is 37, and whenever we have sex, he tells me that I am loose. I told him that he should never tell me that.
He tried to have sex with me in my anus and I told him that if he tried that again, I would leave him. I was very surprised because I love him and our friendship is good. I didn't expect that from him.
I spoke to my gynaecologist. I went to see her after this man told me that my vagina was slack. My gynaecologist told me that nothing is wrong with me and I should not trust my boyfriend.
I am writing to you, Pastor, for your advice because my mind is turning away from my boyfriend. The doctor told me that I should do exercises and that will help to tighten me up. She told me the name of the exercises I should do, but I don't remember.
Dear G.F.,
Your pussy got too big. Try Kegel. K-E-G-E-L. These exercises are called Kegel exercises. They were called Kegel because of the doctor who developed them. His name was Kegel.
"Doctor Kegel's primary purpose was to help women regain control of urination after child's birth, but these muscles have also been found to increase that pleasure sensation during intercourse when strengthened." I suggest, therefore, you go online and read about these exercises and practise them
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